
Principal The Successful Job Seeker

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¡Buscar trabajo es un trabajo en si!
Esto es verdad tanto si estás buscando tu primer empleo como si ya tienes toda una carrera profesional de éxito y estás haciendo una transición.

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The Successful Job-Seeker

A companion guide that you get for FREE when buying EasyJob!

This exclusive ebook, only available to EasyJob customers, is a condensed encyclopedia that covers all aspects of the job search and the job market.

Here is the table of contents:

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Part One
  3. Part Two


  1. What is EasyJob?
  2. Why EasyJob was created.
  3. How to make EasyJob work for you.
  4. How is EasyJob able to serve as an interactive job-search guide?

Part One

  1. Tomorrow's Labor Force
    1. Slower economic growth
    2. Women's share of the employment market
    3. Workers over age 45
    4. The 16 -24-year-old age group
    5. Employment in service industries
    6. Jobs in the computer field
    7. Education is essential
  2. Being Unemployed
    1. Planning to survive unemployment
    2. Looking for a job is a full-time job
    3. Make time to relax
  3. Attitude Towards Unemployment
    1. A positive attitude
    2. Stay active
    3. Do not stop your job search
    4. Involve your family
  4. Entering the Job Market
    1. Different circumstances
    2. Different strategies
    3. Fierce competition
    4. Mildest competition
    5. Tapping into the hidden job market
    6. Do some homework
  5. The Visible Job Market
    1. Actors on the employment-market stage
    2. The Want Ad
    3. Employment agencies
    4. resume services
  6. The Hidden Job Market
    1. The biggest portion
    2. Unexpressed needs
    3. EasyJob's strategy

Part Two

  1. Job-search strategies
    1. The job finds you
    2. You find the job
    3. EasyJob excels at both strategies
    4. Personal contacts
    5. Internet resources
  2. Job-search Tools
    1. The resume
      1. Your personal marketing tool
      2. Poorly designed resumes
      3. Well designed resumes
      4. Sparking the recruiter's interest
      5. Basic types of resumes
      6. Defining your own situation
      7. Job search situations
    2. The Cover Letter
      1. An essential part
      2. Its limited value
      3. Introductory, main, and closing paragraphs
    3. Employer Profile
      1. Eleven thousand U.S. companies
  3. The Interview: The Crucial Step
    1. The moment of truth
    2. Your performance "score"
    3. Attitude towards the interview
    4. Interviewer's professionalism
    5. Before the interview
    6. During the interview
    7. After the interview
    8. Tips for people in middle-age or older
  4. Job-search Activities: Follow-up


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